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Change of Name of a Company

Updated: Aug 26

Change of Name of a Company

To change the name of a company in Hong Kong, you'll need to follow a few steps:

  1. Choose a New Name: Ensure the new name complies with Hong Kong company law regulations. It should be unique, not misleading, and not contain prohibited words.

  2. Check Name Availability: Use the Companies Registry's online search tool to verify if the desired name is available.

  3. Prepare Necessary Documents: Gather the following documents:

    • Application for Change of Name Form (Form NNC1)

    • Certified copy of the company's Certificate of Incorporation

    • Resolution of the company's directors and shareholders approving the name change

    • Any other required supporting documents

  4. Submit Application: Submit the completed application form and supporting documents to the Companies Registry.

  5. Pay Fees: Pay the required fees for the name change application.

  6. Wait for Approval: The Companies Registry will review your application and notify you of the outcome. If approved, you'll receive a new Certificate of Incorporation reflecting the changed name.

Important Considerations:

  • The name change process may take several weeks.

  • There might be additional requirements or fees depending on specific circumstances.

The resolution of the company's directors and shareholders approving the name change is a crucial document in the process of changing a company name in Hong Kong.

This resolution is a formal statement that demonstrates the agreement and consent of both the directors and shareholders of the company to the proposed name change. It serves as evidence that the necessary approvals have been obtained within the company's organizational structure.

The resolution should typically include the following information:

  • Identification of the company: The company's name, registration number, and date of incorporation.

  • Proposed new name: The desired new name for the company.

  • Approval by directors: A statement indicating that the directors of the company have unanimously or by a majority vote approved the name change.

  • Approval by shareholders: A statement indicating that the shareholders of the company have unanimously or by a majority vote approved the name change.

  • Date of the resolution: The date on which the resolution was passed.

  • Signatures: The signatures of the directors and shareholders who approved the resolution.

The resolution should be prepared and signed by the directors and shareholders in accordance with the company's Articles of Association. It may be necessary to obtain a certified copy of the resolution from a company secretary or notary public.

This resolution, along with other required documents, will be submitted to the Companies Registry as part of the name change application.

Sample Resolution of Directors and Shareholders Approving Name Change



  1. The directors and shareholders of [Company Name] (the "Company") hereby approve the change of the Company's name from [Current Name] to [New Name].

  2. The Company Secretary shall submit the necessary application to the Companies Registry of Hong Kong for the change of name, together with all required documents.

  3. The Company Secretary shall take all necessary steps to ensure that the Company's name is updated on all relevant registers and records.

Passed and adopted unanimously.

[Signatures of Directors and Shareholders]

Fees for the Name Change Application

You can generally expect to pay the following fee:

  • Application Fee: A fixed fee for submitting the name change application HK$295

If unsuccessful, an application for the refund of HK$55 may be made.

Additional Resources:

How Bestar can Help

Bestar can provide invaluable assistance throughout the process of changing a company name in Hong Kong. Our expertise can help ensure that the process is conducted smoothly, efficiently, and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.

Here are some ways in which Bestar can help:

  • Legal advice and guidance: We can provide expert advice on the legal requirements and procedures for changing a company name, including the preparation of necessary documents and the submission of the application to the Companies Registry.

  • Due diligence: We can conduct due diligence to ensure that the proposed new name is available and does not infringe on any existing trademarks or intellectual property rights.

  • Compliance with regulations: We can help ensure that the company complies with all relevant laws and regulations, including the Companies Ordinance and any industry-specific requirements.

  • Representation: We can represent the company in dealings with the Companies Registry and other government agencies, saving the company time and effort.

  • Post-name change formalities: We can assist with the post-name change formalities, such as updating company records, website information, and bank accounts.

By engaging Bestar, you can benefit from our expertise and avoid potential pitfalls, ensuring a smooth and successful name change process.

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